Basics of RFID and Application of RFID

RFID (RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION) systems use radio waves at different frequencies for data transmission. This is called RFID.

What is RFID?

Radio frequency identification (RFID) refers to a wireless system that consists of two components: tags and readers. A reader is a device with one or more antennas that emits radio waves and receives the signal back from the RFID tags. Tags can be passive or active, using radio waves to communicate their identity and other information to nearby readers. Passive RFID tags are powered by the reader and have no battery. Active RFID tags can store information ranging from a serial number to multiple pages of data. Readers can be mobile so they can be hand-carried or mounted on a post or overhead. Reader systems can also be built into a cabinet, room or building structure.

Main components of RFID







RFID READER is a device used to communicate with an RFID tag that has one or more antennas that emit radio waves from the RFID tag and receive the signals back. An RFID reader is also called an interrogator.



These are powered by their own power and allow reading up to about 100 feet.


A reader provides power to passive tags as triggers since they do not have their own power supply. Passive tags are the most widely used tag and their read range is approximately 30 feet.

RFID tags have many different shapes because different applications require different RFID tag shapes. Several RFID tag types allow you to select the most appropriate RFID tag format for your application.

1.Inlet type tag

2.Label type tag

3.Card type tag

4.Square type tag

5.Round type tag

6.Cylindrical type tag

7.Spherical type tag

8.Box type tag


It is a device transmits and receives radio waves between the RFID tag and reader. It can be integrated into the RFID tag or reader, or it can be a separate component.


It is the software that sits between the RFID reader and the back-end computer system. It helps manage and process data received from RFID tags and can provide additional functions such as filtering and error checking.


Some RFID system require external power to operate, while others use batteries or are powered by the reader through a process called backscatter.


Depending on the application, additional accessories such as mounts, cases and antennas may be required to improve the performance of the RFID system.

RFID Main Features

1.Data can be read and written without direct contact

An RFID tag can contain up to several kilobytes of rich information. All necessary data for each process (process history, inspection history, etc.) are stored independently, without the need for direct communication. This makes it possible to create paperless platforms where the causes of production stoppages are reduced.

2.By “linking a thing to its information”, a more flexible and reliable computer configuration is possible

With decentralization technology, the load on higher systems is reduced. This means that systems development costs can also be reduced, systems can be implemented significantly faster, and the system is more flexible when making changes. Also, integrating materials with their information” for each process and site, making it possible to manage production/processes and product quality without errors. Also, with up-to-date information on RF tags, work can continue offline in emergencies, significantly reducing the time needed to restore processes.

3.By adopting space transmission technology and protocols, more reliable communication becomes possible

As opposed to barcodes that look for 1’s or 0’s, advanced space transmission technologies and special protocols are used to transmit over the air. 16 bits of CRC information are added when transmitted. Also provides very high reliability in transmission, Also, the absence of mechanical devices such as the raster scan method for barcodes greatly reduces the chance of malfunctions and other problems.

4.Can read and write without line sight using electrical and electromagnetic wave transmission

Unlike barcodes, which communicate through electricity and electromagnetic waves, erroneous readings caused by dirt, moisture, oil, etc. are canceled out. Even if there is dust, moisture etc. No intensive positioning is required, which greatly reduces design time and cost.

6.Information on multiple RF tags can be accessed simultaneously

RFID systems have a function that allows simultaneous reading of information from multiple RF tags present in the transmission area of the reader/writer.


Document tracking!

Controlling access to restricted areas

Asset tracking

Personnel tracking

Inventory management!

ID badging

supply chain management!


Health care

Inventory control!

Equipment tracking

Out-of-bed detection and fall detection.

Employee monitoring

Ensuring that patients receive those correct medicines and medical devices.

Prevents distribution of counterfeit drugs and medical device

Monitoring patients

Providing data for electronic medical record systems






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